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Chaos, Anonymous (16)

I can’t even explain what goes on. In simple terms: just straight chaos is channeling through my head. I have no way to handle it. No way to stop all of it. My head is just underwater but I manage to seem calm. I attempt to master my anxiety through laughter, physical exercise, and learning... but nothing works. With isolation, it seems like the ideal time to try and figure myself out, but I don’t know how to start. What the hell do I even do?

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Men have feelings too, Anonymous

As a male, we have that sort of stigma that we need to be mentally there or strong. Holding back emotions so that we don’t burden others....

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Sep 12, 2020

This post is extremely relatable for me. I know what you're talking about, as the chaos inside of you is something that I struggle with as well. A few things that have helped me are journaling and talking with friends. I have always been opposed to journaling, because my thoughts are so overwhelming and confusing that I thought there was no way I could ever get them down on paper. However, I gave it a shot, and I have actually found it really helpful. Remind yourself that it doesn't matter whether it's cohesive or not. Writing some of what you're dealing with in your mind is a way of emptying those thoughts or at least clearing them for a little…

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