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Stability in quarantine, Anonymous (17)

Quarantine has been so bad for my mental health. My sister is back from college and life is so different with her here. I love her but she’s literally a bully and I feel manipulated by her all the time. I miss having the support of my friends and having the freedom to go out with them when I need an escape. I feel like I’ve just wasted a lot of time sitting around feeling bad for myself and others. Having anxiety, depression, and ADHD makes me anxious to get out and move and do something but I can’t and then I lay in bed all day. I just want everything to go back to normal and I just know it won’t be back to normal for a super long time which makes me sad.

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As a male, we have that sort of stigma that we need to be mentally there or strong. Holding back emotions so that we don’t burden others....

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May 22, 2020

I know where you're coming from, and I agree that it is so hard to suddenly lose the escapes in our lives that we are so used to having. But you also need to remember to give yourself a break. You don't have to be productive. Being stuck in quarantine while dealing with mental illnesses is incredibly difficult. You should be proud of yourself just for continuing despite the difficult circumstances that are currently making your life harder. You haven't wasted your time, and you are allowed to feel bad for yourself. Many things in your life have changed for the worse, and that is something that needs to be processed. You are allowed to give yourself time to feel…

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