Sexual assault and harassment, Anonymous (17)
Well, it happened. After years of tolerating comments about my body, adult men sexualizing it, and a mother whose state of mind caused...
Well, it happened. After years of tolerating comments about my body, adult men sexualizing it, and a mother whose state of mind caused...
Ok well, I don’t like talking about this subject much but when I was around 5 my dad died unexpectedly. It’s not the most fun thing when...
I was 14 and in the middle of the first tournament of my high school career. It was January, and I was more excited than ever to start...
I was 17, and my sister's husband ruined my life forever. He sexually assaulted me multiple times. On February 24, at 1:30 AM, I tried to...
At the time that this happened, I had been at one of my lows during my depression so I would skip school and smoke every day; so this...
In June of 2019 during the time the trains were shut down I got a ride from my aunt's husband- but there were many instances where I felt...
Who do I say I am? I say that I am unloveable I say that I am too fat I say that I am too skinny I say that I am too girly I say that I...
I know that I am probably going to be the youngest person to share a story but I wanted to do this because I want to let other people...
When I first realized what had come to pass, I had just barely begun to awaken, still well within the purgatory realm between...
So I lost my cousin when I was 13, in 2016. I’ll tell you right away that she was not supposed to die. She had a minor cancer stage 1 and...
Hi, when I was only 2 my parents divorced because my dad had a problem with alcohol and my mom couldn’t listen or hear anyone but...
I just finished my sophomore year in college. I go to a wonderful school with amazing people, resources, and experiences. However, I...
Isn’t it crazy that so many of us still think about people in our past? We all tend to think that the person in our past is doing fine...
Ever since the start of high school, I have struggled with an eating disorder. While the thoughts/behaviors started in middle school, it...
I started having problems with my dad when I started to speak up to voice my opinions. My dad's a really headstrong person and always...
It’s only been about 7 months since my eating disorder started but it’s been really getting to me since we’ve been under the shelter in...
It’s been about 7 months...and my heart still hurts. It hurts because after all this time and the pain she put me through, I still love...
I once dated this boy for 3 years. on and off. I was stupid enough to think he was my forever love. bullshit. one day he went on...
It started in the fifth grade, I remember where I was in my elementary school, the clothes I was wearing and what I was doing with my...
I feel useless in life. I don’t have a purpose. I never found a purpose. Everything I do is always wrong. I go through a hard time with...